Based on the Decision of the 26th Meeting of the 5th General Assembly of BAS, from July 1, 2010, the Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography was renamed to Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography “Acad. Ivan Kostov” (IMC-BAS).

The Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography (CLMC) of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) was founded on the 1st of March, 1995, from the former Institute of Applied Mineralogy (1984) and inherited its equipment, the best specialists and the most vital scientific themes. 

The subjects of the activity of IMC are: basic studies and applied research, consulting, expertise service and analytic activities, practical applications of scientific results and training of highly qualified specialists in the field of mineralogy and crystallography, investigation and modeling of natural and technogenic mineral systems. The character of the studied objects and the employed interdisciplinary research methods are entirely in the framework of the following national and international priorities:

  • Earth Science. Minerals and mineral bodies forming the Lithosphere are investigated, namely their phase composition, structural relationships, processes of formation and alteration, modes of distribution. As a result, the developing of geogenetic models and criteria necessary for the prognosis, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits are done.
  • New Materials and Technologies. The growth, synthesis and characterization of optical and laser grade single crystals, molecular sieves, microporous and other single and polycrystalline materials are studied. Minerals are modified to improve their sorption, catalytic and other useful properties. Crystal structure and various parameters of the produced materials are characterized.
  • Environmental Protection.  The problems concerning the preservation and ecologically harmless usage of the environment are subjects of a part of the scientific research connected with the environmental mineralogy accentuating at mineralogy and geochemistry of coal and products of their processing, immobilization of radioactive wastes as well as utilization and deactivation of wastes from the mining industry. In the future this trend will become leading among our research and applied science activities.
  • Nature and Natural Resources of Bulgaria. Regional mineralogical studies are carried out to build a database of minerals in Bulgaria. On this basis, maps of heavy mineral concentrates are created, which are necessary for prospecting mineral resources.
  • Preparation of highly qualified specialists: Program accreditation for granting PhD degree ("doctor" of sciences) in Mineralogy and Crystallography (01.07.05); Educational programs and specialized courses for students, postdocs and professionals from domestic and foreign universities and research institutes. 


The Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography (CLMC) got on for ten. It was found by decision of the 72 nd session of the General Meeting of BAS in compliance with the Conception and Regulations for reconstruction of BAS and the reorganization of its independent scientific sections. The decision came into force on March 1 1995 thus giving the statute of a legal entity to CLMC with subject of activities "fundamental and applied scientific investigations, consultant, expert, service and analytical activities, application of the scientific results and training of highly qualified specialists in the field of mineralogy and crystallography, investigation and modeling of natural and technogenic mineral systems". At the same date the decision of the General Meeting of BAS for closing down the Institute for Applied Mineralogy (IAM) came into force from which the CLMC inherited the best specialists, most vital scientific subjects and the available equipment. 

The board of managers of BAS set the preparation of this decision to the Constituent Scientific Council (CSC). Based on analysis of the scientific, personnel and instrumental state of IAM, CSC defined the subject of activities of CLMC, national and international priorities toward which the fundamental and applied investigations in the field of mineralogy and crystallography should be oriented, its structure and personnel. 

During the first three years the existence of the Laboratory has been endangered by a ministerial decree according to which it should have left its base located on "Rakovski" street 92. Among the available opportunities most felicitous for the moment was the move of CLMC in 107 bl. of the Scientific Complex of BAS. For this purpose in the course of about year and a half projects have been prepared and the necessary repairs and reconstructions of the building have been carried out. The move was performed in the spring of 2000 and the mounting of the scientific equipment completed in the middle of the year. Air-conditioning and cooling equipment have been mounted in addition to provide proper working regime. The renovated building was inaugurated on July 7 2001. 

In honor of the 10-anniversary of the creation of CLMC the General Meeting of BAS named it after our prominent mineralogist and crystallographer acad. Ivan Kostov. This event was memorialized by publishing of an anniversary collection [1] and conduction of scientific session on March 22-23 2005 as well as by exhibition in "Academica" hall of BAS. 

Based on the Decision of the 26th Meeting of the 5th General Assembly of BAS, from July 1, 2010, the Central Laboratory of Mineralogy and Crystallography was renamed to Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography “Acad. Ivan Kostov” (IMC-BAS).

Today, IMC disposes of comparatively well-equipped laboratories, offices and a library, supplied with optical cable and Internet as well as PC for every research associate and specialist affording the opportunities for active communications. The scientific activities and attainments are presented to the general public by annually published reports (Annual Reports № 1-10) on the website of IMC (, by periodically conducted scientific conferences, exhibitions, and open-door days, as well as through the mass media (TV, radio, newspapers and periodicals).